Based on internet world stats web site, the total number of Facebook subscriber in the world is estimated to be 937,407,180 (on September 30, 2012). This information indicates that the market opportunity is huge here. If your company has not implemented Facebook as a media of optimizing your marketing activity, implement it soon.

As I've discussed in previous posts namely example of customer loyalty programs to make customers loyal to your product, you have to focus on this program to increase your sales. The essence is you have to make the customer happy, have familiarity with the customer, and so on.

Another thing which is important is word of mouth marketing, if you have a loyal customer to your product then they will voluntarily recommend your product. Two ideas above, can be performed in Facebook. You can respond to customers in a quick and more personal way in Facebook. Therefore in this paper, I will explain Facebook marketing best practices.

fan page facebook marketing

Facebook provide a page and is known as fan page that can be used to share the information and interact with people. You can post a status, photo, video, events, and others. Core of activities in the fan page is to engage and grow your audience. The more you actively communicate and provide useful thing on your page, the more your audience will be increased. You also have to increase the traffic to your web site and increase conversion rate. Below are tips to apply the best practices.

Facebook page marketing best practices

1.Upload your profile picture.
 You must create a profile picture that describes your product or your unique identity.

2.Upload cover picture.
You have to create an image that describes the product and your vision. You can add to this picture an impressive tagline. The point is the photo express your exclusive identity.

3. Start to post engaging content.
 You must perform a variation in posting content, such as notes, photos, videos, and so on. At a minimum you should post once a day to keep people return to the page.

4. After posting enough content, you have to build your audience. What are the best way to build your audience? Below the answer:
 -You must claim a weburl for the page, name it with your special brand or tagline or your companies' programs.

 -Put your page address in your business card, email, your website, and so on.

 -Add like button in your blog and your company website.
 -invite your family, friends, customers, prospects to like your page via email or other.

 -join Facebook ads.

5. Test and measure with “insight” tool in Facebook.
You can get the data in notification at admin panel, you can see activity too. You must study whether your page is working or not, you can see page's performance and some indicator such as how many people like your post, how deeper is the engagement with audience, how many people respond you. So you can enhance your marketing activities after you study it.

These are fundamental facebook marketing best practices to grow your audience in Facebook fan page. I will explain further in next articles.


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