I explain you very basic marketing strategy examples that you have to know.  I emphasize my article here that this is basic thing you must know especially for beginners. Although this examples is very essential, you will get the best result if you implement it persistently and innovatively. 

I usually found people who employ basic thing innovatively got higher achievement than people who apply complicated thing. Based on this, I will share basic marketing strategy samples here.

List of Marketing Strategies Examples which you must know

Examples of marketing strategies

1. Content Marketing.

May be you hear very often about “Content is King”. This is very basic theory. And this theory is still useful until now.

From beginning of 2014, content marketing in social media platforms is helpful because many practitioners said that social media is very important for their marketing efforts.

Creating high quality content is a must. Beside social media platforms, you must vary your content delivery for examples articles in your corporate website, articles in your blog, e-newsletter, and so forth.

In addition to article (text based), you are required to produce another content such as image, sound, and video.

I tell you simply summary about content marketing:

-Develop high quality content.

-Track the progress of your content marketing, how effective your content delivery against your key performance indicator such as influence meter, amount of follower, engagement meter, and so on.

2. Image-based content.

Because of spreading of social media utilization and increasing of interaction behavior in social media platform since 2014, so you must employ the image-based content too.

Based on my experiences, image-based content will receive more interaction than text-based post.

You can investigate with your private account that enormous images have been uploaded to Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and so forth. After that you will see that more interaction (like, comment, share) happen with image-based post than text-based post. Things to remember, sometimes text-based post get more interaction than image-based post in certain condition. Consequently, you have to vary your content.
3. Twitter marketing.

This strategy is related to above strategy. Lately, Twitter familiarize image tweet which allow user to see inline image with tweet. Therefore you have to utilize your image-based content in Twitter.

The second strategy is implement a feature in Twitter, DM (direct message). This feature permit user to opt in to receive DM from others. Therefore you can make an engagement with users without needing to follow them. Equally, they can privately message you such as certain customer service problem to you without needing to follow you.

4. Pinterest marketing.

This platform is the fast-growing social media marketing channel. Based on my experiences using Pinterest, high quality image-sharing post gain more interaction like pins or repins.

The thing you must concern is do more interaction with other like following other, comment, repins, etc. You will get the same good response from others. So they are happy to repins your image-based content and sharing your content. Finally, you will have more engagement with them.

5. Sound-based content.

You should try one of the growing audio-sharing social media, namely SoundCloud. I have told you before that you must vary your content. One type of content which can increase your influence is sound-based content.

You can try to make good interaction there. Now, SoundCloud can integrated with Google plus and Instagram for cover images.

6. Basic marketing activities.

This is a basic theory and it is proved to still generate more sales. What are the activities you can perform to engage your customer and prospect?

You can engage consumer with interactive contest such as quizzes, photo captions, SEO contest, blogging contest, and other engagement activities.

If you do not have your own platform to implement this, you can utilize OfferPop to launch your social media marketing campaign or WildFire for complete social marketing software services.

7. Google plus marketing.

Why I mention Google+ marketing is one of marketing strategy you must apply? Because it important for you especially for the people who focus on search engine marketing ( SEO).

Based on information from Moz search engine ranking factor , Google+ has a great effect on search engine rankings. With authorship validation, it will supply your page in search result especially people in your circles. For your information, now Google+ page’s post can show in search result. Therefore you must optimize your Google+ page by updating regularly and interaction across the circles.

Summary of Marketing strategies samples

I recap this the examples of basic marketing strategies. This is a very fundamental strategy but have higher impact for business. Sometimes you can gain high result with very basic thing, if you implement it persistently and creatively. So, just focus on this basic thing and reduce complex thing that spend more money.