
Do you want to read more beneficial and relevant marketing theory beside marketing scope?

Read the articles below:

1. How to prepare a future career in marketing: information for college student and Beginners.

2. Marketing Basics For Students and Beginners.

3. The simplest way to learn and practice marketing for college student and Beginners.

4. Marketing channel introduction for Student and Beginners.


We have discussed scope of marketing. The following will also be discussed marketing scope, namely:

"Marketing is the process of planning and implementation of the concept, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals."

Concise definition above has four important features. Features and the explanation are:

Marketing is a process. A process that uses a particular method of doing an activity, usually involving a series of steps or operations. Classical marketing approach involves four broad steps: market analysis, market planning, implementation, and control. Market analysis is one of them looking for opportunities in the market.  

Planning requires market segmentation, target market selection, positioning, and design of marketing mix. Market implementation involves systems and processes to go to market with a marketing program. Finally, marketing control which refers to the informal and formal mechanisms that marketing managers can use to store marketing programs on the implementation.

This involves marketing Mix of Product, Price, Promotion, and Distribution. Strong marketing program does not involve a single action, like a great product design. Conversely, the most successful marketing programs involve mixing marketing materials to deliver value to customers. Mixing it requires blending the right amount of material 4P, at the right time, and in the correct sequence. 

Samples of marketing mix activities are:

- public relation activities
- communication with customer
- traditional advertising
- internet-based advertising and social media marketing
- direct to consumer activities: direct mail, catalog marketing, telemarketing.
- price promotion
- pricing decision
- new product development
- sales force decisions
- distribution decisions
- store location decisions

About Exchange. Marketing does not succeed unless the two parties exchange value of something. Buyers can exchange their time, money, or services, while the seller must exchange value of something to a buyer.

It Means to satisfy Individual and Organizational Needs.
The aim of marketing is to give a satisfactory result for both companies and customers. Companies can make customers extremely satisfied if they provide the service for free. The key to modern marketing is to simultaneously satisfy the customer, company, and shareholders.


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