With your position as general manager of marketing, demand that you often get is associated with increasing the number of employees in the field of marketing or sales. Many reasons are given, for example, managers reasoned that the difficulty to increase sales is due to the lack of a sales team. Another example is, the promotion department reasoned that such promotional activities below the line, not a lot done because the number of teams that is not enough. In conclusion, a lack of marketers and sales personnel are often the best reason if sales figures are not reached.

As a leader, you usually answer, "try to maximize the existing human resources." And many other answers in response to demand increase in the number of personal.

Beside answering question above, you are required to decide whether to add the number of workers or retaining existing number. Excess human resources would increase marketing costs. If directly proportional to the amount of increased revenue, additional resources are not an issue. Conversely, if you keep the number of employees, it could be your company may lose the opportunity to increase sales. Two things this is the major consideration in deciding the issues above.

For that, there are tips for doing feasibility tests. This test is used to see whether the number of marketing and sales personnel were optimal or not. This feasibility test is obtained by asking all your customers. You create the questions to be answered, if you have sales that are less, then your customers would comment on complaints that your company's sales are difficult to find. Sales are giving much less attention due to their busy dealing with many customers. Instead, many customers will feel too much related to your sales and tend to shy to meet, if your sales too much. From customer feedback, you will get an idea of whether your sales are mostly or not.

The next step is an internal test. Or so-called test of motivation. Above, the test is intended for your customers, now testing is conducted to interview your sales person. There are two conditions where one's motivation will go down, first when the number of sales a bit, they feel duty is charged to them too much, so motivation is decline. Conversely, if too many salespeople, motivation can also be decreased.

You can do the benchmarking. All you need is to find information about the number of teams owned by your competitors. Then calculate the amount of revenue earned or number of customers served. Or the next test is a test activities. This test, requires you to record a number of activities, the amount of time and customers who can handled. Then, calculate the amount of revenue will be generated. After that, with simple statistics, you count the ROI. If the budget plan expenses and potential revenue is proportional, then you can increase the number of salespeople.

Above is a test to facilitate you to make a decision whether it is necessary to increase the number of sales and marketing personnel or not? So no more excuses, if your marketing target is not reached, you reasoned, "I have lack of marketers and sales person."


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