In the measurement of customer satisfaction, there are three aspects that must be considered: what is measured, methods of measurement, and measurement scale. Measurement of customer satisfaction should be done regularly in order to assess any changes that occur. You can also do benchmarking with performance in the past and the performance of your competitors. Tool that can be used is customer satisfaction survey.

Variables measured
-Customer satisfaction overall
The easiest way and conventional to measure customer satisfaction is directly ask customers how satisfied they are with your product or service.

- The dimensions of customer satisfaction
There are four steps in this process, as follows: First, identify the key dimensions of customer satisfaction. Second, ask the customer to assess products based on specific items. Third, ask the customer to assess competitors' products based on the same item. Fourth, ask the customer to determine the dimensions according to their most important in judging the overall customer satisfaction.

- Confirmation of hope
Satisfaction is not measured directly, but inferred based on the fit between customer expectations and actual performance of your product.

- Interest in the repeat purchase
Customer satisfaction is measured in behavioral by asking whether the customer will shop or use your services again.

- Willingness to recommend
For products that have a high level of competition, the willingness of customers to recommend products to friends or family becomes an important measure to be analyzed and acted upon.

- Customer Dissatisfaction
Aspects analyzed in this case are: customer complaints, product return, and a negative recommendation.

Methods of measurement
There are three methods that can be implemented in measuring customer satisfaction, the methods are:

- Lost customer analysis
You may contact customers who have stopped buying your products. You communicate with him in order to understand why they stop buying or buy a competitor's product. Monitoring of customer loss rate is important, because of the increased rate means there is a failure to satisfy customers. The results of this analysis can be used to take corrective improvement on your company.

- Ghost Shopping
Named ghost because the company manager is available as a disguise and pretend to buy the product at your company. This is to find out firsthand how employees interact, especially in the front office and treat customers. Alternatively, he can pretend to call a customer to put forward a variety of complaints and questions. This method is very effective for the officials at companies that want to directly assess whether employees behave well or not.

- Complaints and suggestions system
Customer oriented company providing the opportunity for customers to submit suggestions directly. This information is necessary to get a new idea or a valuable input for the sake of the progress of your company.

Scale of measurement of customer satisfaction survey

Generally the scale of measurement used in surveying activities especially customer satisfaction survey. Usually a company asked for help research institutions to conduct research for customer satisfaction surveys. Through the survey, your company will get feedback from customers. This is useful for decision makers to improve the system in your company.

Example 3-point scale customer satisfaction survey:
Question: Once you purchase a this product, how satisfied you are using a product?
answers: 1. Very dissatisfied
                 2. Satisfied
                 3. Very satisfied

That all are explanation about aspect of measuring customer satisfaction.


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