This time, I will explain about above the line advertising and below the line. Before discussing the ATL (Above the Line) and BTL (Below the Line), let me remind you of the purpose of advertising. 

Purpose of advertising is to establish communication with people who are potential users of your products or people who are already using your product. 

Generally, you must pay a price for this communication, although there is free communication. 

What is the goal of this communication? the goal is to raise awareness, disseminate information, so that communication produces a positive thing for people who create ads and the consumers.

Before resuming this article, you may read BTL activities examples in my related article here. Now, let's continue on this topic.
Above is the purpose of communicating with the public, the real substance of this activity is to attract potential customers into customers. People who already have consume your product is expected to increase to become loyalty consumer. Thing to remember is that these activities take time, especially for new products, positive results can be seen after continuous communication during some period of time.
Back to the topic of advertising. There are two approaches in advertising which are above the line advertising and below the line advertising

The difference of above the line advertising and below the line advertising

The fundamental differences between them are the communication medium and a commission for advertising agencies. 

Before explaining the definition of ATL and BTL, I will explain about the balance sheet. Line is the line on the balance sheet.

In ATL, marketing activities are affected by advertising agency commissions, so the cost is included in cost of sales. 

While there is no commission for advertising agency in BTL, so the costs are included in operating expenses. Both types are separated by a budget line, everything which contains the cost of the commission, written at the top of the balance sheet, so-called above the line. The others, put together below the so-called below the line.
Above and Below the line advertising

Another difference is the target audience of ATL is wider than BTL. In terms of interaction with the audience, ATL relatively no direct interaction while BTL activities provide the audience an opportunity to interact directly, such as feel the product, touch the product, and others. In this paper I explain the difference in terms of information delivery media.

Above The Line Advertising

The media of delivery information are: print media (newspapers, magazines), TV, Radio, and outdoor media like billboards in strategic road. 

Usually if you prioritize your visual message you can choose the print media as a channel of communication. 

If you have a high proficiency in word processing and graphics in an attractive full color, usually you can choose the print media for your communication channels. Consider this, if your target is a national, make your ad in a magazine or a newspaper of national coverage, if your target is local, you simply advertise in local newspapers and magazines. Select the magazines that match your product segment. Example: you should create an ad for teen T-shirt at magazine for teens.
If you have a strong ability to demonstrate your product, then choose the TV media. Choose a time slot that suits your target market. Example: you should make food for children advertising in the show and the hours which is dedicated to children. The benefit of TV media is a very wide range.
Can you speak with words that make people agree with your opinion? If the answer is yes, radio is a media that works for you. This media is compatible with products aimed at the people in the village or who are still delighted to listen to the radio.
For outdoor media, billboards are the examples one. The advantage is it has lower cost than TV, but have repeated high display, because everyone who passes by will see your ad. Another advantage is that you can focus to display ads on your target market. Example: you should create gadget ads on billboards located in an office area.

I repeat, above the line advertising is advertising which utilizes one of media that I have mentioned above: the press, TV, radio, cinema and posters. And I have mentioned about above the line advertising examples at previous paragraph.
The essence of above the line advertising or ATL promotion is promotional activities which are directed at people to some media and it can reach a large number of potential consumers at once.

A company choose the ATL or BTL advertising will depend on a range of factors, they are intended reach, promotion frequency, budget, desired impact, and company's objectives. 

Below the line Advertising

Media used for below the line is a media where you can interact directly (direct response) with customers or potential customers. An example are the exhibition, direct mail, catalogs, and so on. Advantage of below the line is in communication flexibility. Therefore, you can interact directly with customers or prospective customers, then you can personalize it. With an effective personalized approach, then you will find that your sales will increase.

Now you have known below the line advertising meaning. BTL advertising is all advertising which utilize other than above media (the press, radio , TV, cinema, and posters outdoors). For examples: sponsorship, direct mail, merchandising, exhibitions, trade shows, catalog, etc.

Next Article :  Advertising your business effectively

Frequently Asked Questions about ATL and BTL advertising

1. What is ATL Marketing?

ATL Marketing stands for Above the Line marketing. Some people say it with ATL advertising. Both are the same meaning. 

This type of advertising main goal is to reach large number of people to build brand awareness.

2. Could you explain about ATL activities?

ATL activities are actions that must be performed in order to reach broad number of prospective customer.

Therefore, ATL uses particular media (Above the line media) to broadcast the messages and communicate with mass audiences. For examples: TV, Radio, Billboard, etc.

3. Could you explain below the line promotion definition?

Below the line promotion is another term of below the line advertising, because they have the same fundamental meaning. I have explained BTL ads above.

BTL activities example is promotion. Below the line promotion examples: direct promotion to the consumer, such as: direct mail, personal marketing by one to one meeting, discount promotion, and so on.

Below the line communication between company and customer or prospective customer uses mass media (below the line media), such as: mail, business card, brochure, direct meeting (personal touch), etc.

4. You have defined Above the Line and Below the Line, what about TTL advertising  (Through the Line advertising)?

TTL is one of an advertising line. TTL advertising means advertising that utilize above the line and below the line media communications. It allows company to communicate it's message to prospective customer in multiple communication channel.  For example: advertising agency put an ad on TV, in addition to this he put a special number or email to encourage the prospect contacting directly.

5. What is the example of  BTL marketing plan?

Activities planning for BTL marketing:
  • Define your target audience, like area, demographic, interest, etc.
  • Calculate and align your ad budget with your target audience.
  • Know them detail, such as: are they loyal or brand switchers?, are they price sensitive consumer?
  • Choose the right media to communicate with them.

Below are the examples of BTL marketing activities based on BTL marketing plan above:
  • Your product is assorted biscuit.
  • You want to build the image that your biscuit is good for breakfast. And this is appropriate for   people who want to breakfast quickly and breakfast everywhere.
  • Target audience is people who is commuters especially one who on the way to work.
  • The appropriate communication media is direct marketing.

Then your activities must be:

  1.   Run one to one marketing campaign meet the prospective customer in train or bus.
  2.   Offer them free biscuit samples in first week in the same train or bus to obtain more leads.
  3.   Get their feedback.
  4.   Communicate with them.
  5.   Offer them vouchers in the next week. Vouchers that can be used in your store.
  6.   Calculate the conversion rate.
  7.   Analyze, make summary, and make improvement.
BTL ATL advertising activities examples
BTL marketing plan and activities examples

Above are BTL marketing plan examples for assorted biscuit that market to commuters.

6. Mention some of ATL marketing tools.

ATL marketing tools are tools which are utilized for ATL marketing activities.

For example:

Goal of ATL advertising is to increase brand awareness to large number of people. The media is TV. Therefore the tools must be employed are rating management tools, TV rating database, twitter TV rating based on hashtag, audience measurement tools, etc.

Another example for understanding brand awareness is customer survey tool, such as: online form, form, statistic method to comprehend the survey, spreadsheet software, customer question survey (online form in website or direct meeting with customer to get a feedback from customer), etc.


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