I have noted a summary the knowledge that I've got from the digital garage in the previous posting. It explains advertising on other website or we can call it display advertising.

notes from display advertising course

This writing is the series of display advertising course. But this time is focus on making the campaign based on your goals.

Let's start reading the notes.

Fundamental step in creating display ads campaign

Before developing a display ads, you must set the goal first. This is the first step before creating campaign.

The example of goal:

- Get your business out to the people.
- Tell current customers something new about your business.
- Bring customers back again.
- etc.

If you have more than one goal, a single ad can't do it all. That's why the first thing you must do is to set the goal. Therefore, you can build different ads for different goals or targeting different people.

Steps of customers journey

To break down what you want to achieve with display ads can be simplified to define several steps of customer journey. These steps can be called as a funnel.

The first step is awareness. Display ads can help increasing the people awareness of your business. If your goal is building awareness, you should target a  broad audience and make a great first impression on your ads. The key is what might catch people's attention.

The second step is to shape people opinions of you, and make the people to remember your business in the future when they need something you're selling. If your goal is to make people remember you, you must create a campaign that reinforce your competitive advantages and highlight the benefits product or service you offer.

The third step in the funnel is focus on people who are already considering the solution you are offering.  If your goal is to convert this people, you should refine your message to what exactly makes your product or service so great.

The last step in the funnel is the purchase. If your fundamental goal is to get people to purchase, you must focus on conversion. The examples messages are special offers, give incentives, etc.

Retargeting is useful at the last two point in the funnel above. The substantial idea of retargeting is you want target people that you know have been researching you, and get them to consider you and become a paying customer.

Retargeting lets you show adverts to people after they visit your website or do a specific things (click and go to about page, or gallery page, etc) that indicate their interest.


Defining an exact goal will help you create campaigns that are focused on your different business goals.


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