Today, my personal notes are about The fundamental ideas of how to customize your keyword list to the best suit your campaign goals.
Below are the points:
1. You can create a list of keywords in your ad group.
2. When you create the list of keywords, it means you are telling the Google engine which user searches should match with your ads.
3. The first step to perform an action at the creation of ad group phase is keyword targeting.
Keyword targeting means match your keywords to what users may use when they are looking for the information about products/services.
4. In the terms of Google search campaign, there are 5 match type options for your keywords, they are:
a. Broad match
b. Modified broad match
c. Phrase match
d. Exact match
e. Negative
5. When you choose one of the options, consider this thing : you must choose it based on your business goal.
For examples:
a. Goal 1 : Branding, want more people to visit your website.
The possible options you can choose : Broad match or phrase match.
b. Goal 2 : Reach customer who is ready to buy.
The possible options you can choose : phrase match, exact match.
6. There is one action you can perform in this stage, namely Dynamic Search Ads.
This option makes you showing up for more search terms than you may have initially included in your list.
This option will be discussed later.
7. To reach a broad audiences (the widest possible audiences), you can pick "broad match" or "broad match modifier" options.
8. Broad match means the ads are shown when there are keywords in any variation such as misspellings, synonyms, related searches, etc.
9. Examples of broad match :
When user type "bike", it includes bicycle, best bike for kids, mountain bikes, and the other variations of the keywords.
10. Adding + sign (plus sign) in front of a keyword turns it into a broad match modifier.
This prompts your ads to appear only if the keyword or its close variations are in any parts of the search terms.
For example:
if you use +bike , +blue, +kids, your ads will appear for people searching for any of these terms. However, the ads will not appear if any one of these keywords aren't in the search term.
When user type "blue bike for kids cheap", then your ads will show (if the ads wins the auction).
When user type "kids bike", then your ads won't show because blue isn't a part of the search.
11. To narrow your audiences, you can pick phrase match and exact match options.
12. Placing quotation marks around the keywords turns you into phrase match.
This prompts your ads to appear only if the keywords within the quotation marks match a user's search term.
13. To use exact match, place brackets around the keywords.
This results your ads will only show if the search means the same thing as your keyword.
for example:
your keyword [kid's bike] will show when user search for kid's bike or kids bicycle.
14. How to use match types so ads don't show up on the wrong searches?
You can use negative keywords. With this option your ads only show to relevant customers.
For example:
You target the keyword "kid's bike" in broad match.
But you sometime find that your ads show when user search for "kid's scooter".
Therefore you can omit this by adding "-scooter" (as a negative keyword) to your keyword list.
Summary of this point: adding a minus sign in front of the keyword makes ads will not show if someone includes that negative keyword in their search.
See the recap at the image below:
The previous notes : The foundation of Google search campaign
7. To reach a broad audiences (the widest possible audiences), you can pick "broad match" or "broad match modifier" options.
8. Broad match means the ads are shown when there are keywords in any variation such as misspellings, synonyms, related searches, etc.
9. Examples of broad match :
When user type "bike", it includes bicycle, best bike for kids, mountain bikes, and the other variations of the keywords.
10. Adding + sign (plus sign) in front of a keyword turns it into a broad match modifier.
This prompts your ads to appear only if the keyword or its close variations are in any parts of the search terms.
For example:
if you use +bike , +blue, +kids, your ads will appear for people searching for any of these terms. However, the ads will not appear if any one of these keywords aren't in the search term.
When user type "blue bike for kids cheap", then your ads will show (if the ads wins the auction).
When user type "kids bike", then your ads won't show because blue isn't a part of the search.
11. To narrow your audiences, you can pick phrase match and exact match options.
12. Placing quotation marks around the keywords turns you into phrase match.
This prompts your ads to appear only if the keywords within the quotation marks match a user's search term.
13. To use exact match, place brackets around the keywords.
This results your ads will only show if the search means the same thing as your keyword.
for example:
your keyword [kid's bike] will show when user search for kid's bike or kids bicycle.
14. How to use match types so ads don't show up on the wrong searches?
You can use negative keywords. With this option your ads only show to relevant customers.
For example:
You target the keyword "kid's bike" in broad match.
But you sometime find that your ads show when user search for "kid's scooter".
Therefore you can omit this by adding "-scooter" (as a negative keyword) to your keyword list.
Summary of this point: adding a minus sign in front of the keyword makes ads will not show if someone includes that negative keyword in their search.
Recap on the keyword management for Google Ads
See the recap at the image below:
The previous notes : The foundation of Google search campaign
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