After writing about internet marketing, content marketing, we will discuss about contextual marketing

I will inform you contextual marketing basic information. One of the implementation of contextual marketing is contextual advertising.

What is Contextual Advertising?

Contextual advertising is the ads that show and relate directly to the content of web pages. The ads are closely related to content's theme. In other words, these ads appear according to the context of the website. 

Example of Contextual Advertising

If someone searches some information on Google using keyword “marketing for beginners”, the result will show like picture below:

contextual marketing example

Suppose someone click one of the result in page one, it will go to  web pages that have ads that contain about marketing, management, marketing project, etc. This Ad will be contextually related to your content. See the example below:
contextual advertising example

You can see the sample above, the ads about online sales and marketing CRM appear on marketing for beginner's blog.

The process or flow of contextual advertising

A contextual advertising system scans the content (text or image) of a website for special keywords and ads appear to the web page based on keywords from the web. These ads will be displayed on Web pages.

For example, if users view the web pages that are related to marketing science and websites implement contextual advertising (such as put a Google adsense on his web), then user may see ads that relate to marketing.

Contextual ads are also used by search engines to display ads on search results pages based on keywords from the user's input or query.

In other words, contextual advertising is a form of targeted advertisements to be displayed on websites or other media advertising. Ads arises because processed by an automated system based on the content displayed to the user.

As a publisher or blogger, you probably have a very nice and informational website. You need some strategies to attract user there and give them reasons to stay and explore it. The strategy which is implemented for your site (ex: SEO) make your site will be displayed on first page when users search for something on search engines.

The result for this, there are so many users are visiting your website and see automatically displayed ads. It allows visitors to make a purchase if he wants, even without leaving the site.

Google is an example of contextual advertising, namely Google adsense. As a publisher, you can register to have a sponsored link contextual incorporated into an area on your website. Each time the ads appearing on your website then someone the click the ads, you will get a some fees.

Otherwise, as a seller, you can put your ads with Google adwords, with this program, your ad will appear on websites that have the same context with your product. You just pay per ad click. With this marketing tool, your company will be more known, because it appears on every web site that match the keywords that you define in Google adwords.

Many companies can have high growth due to contextual marketing, do you want to try?

Read internet marketing for beginners best practice to complete your insight.


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