As a digital marketer, you have to master a variety of digital marketing channels. One of the channels is social media site.

I repeat, one of the effective channel to connect with your target audience is social media site.

Social media marketing works in all steps of the digital marketing, from generating leads, nurturing leads, engaging with customers, converting to paying customers, executing customer loyalty program, etc.

tool to support social media activity

The challenge of utilize the social media channel are:

a. Reaching your target audiences, it means getting your post seen by them.
b. Getting an engagement with audiences.
c. Creating contents to right audiences at the right time.
d. Similar to point c, creating, running, and managing social media campaign.
e. Finally, tracking and measuring the campaign then making an improvement based on this.

Below are the example activities to success in social media campaign

1. Setting clear goals.

The goals must be definable also. Clear and definable goals help you develop your social media marketing strategy.

Clear and definable goal make you easier to set the metrics and key performance indicator, so that you can evaluate your campaign progress.

2. Research.

You should do some researches, such as: consumer trends, consumer behavior, competitor research, etc.

Analyzing and researching are must be performed, because you can make the right decision based on them.

Activity examples:

- Observing what types of your (and your competitor) content are more engaged.

- Tracking the growth of  follower number after particular campaign.

- Analyze what of the top content that is performing well.

- How you are ranking against your competitors.

- Observing the best performing hashtags.

3. Content creation, scheduling, and posting.

Content curation, content creation, scheduling a post, etc are some activities you can do by utilized social media tools.

You can observe the historical data of your content using analytics tool. By utilizing this tool, you can find the best time to post, the best type of content to post, what type of content has the highest engagement, etc.

Once you got the result, then you can schedule the best type of post at the right time.

But, there is a thing to remember, you have to diversify your content. If  you know what type of content which is the best based on the historical data, that doesn't mean that all content should be about it.

4. Tracking & Measuring the social media campaign.

As a social media and content manager, you must do this activity. This activity is related to point number 1. You can do tracking and measuring after you do these action:

a. Setting a clear goal.

b. Transform the goal to some metrics you have to observe.

c. Defining KPI (key performance indicator) based on metrics you have set and target you have to achieve.

Once you done these, you can track your campaign, observe the metrics, and measure the results, then compare them against the target you've set in your KPI.

Finally, You can draw a conclusion and then you can develop some improvements in your campaign based on it.

These four examples activities in social media marketing. These activities is easier to perform if you utilize the proper social media tool.

One of the tool is Social Media Tracker & Social Media Poster by If you want to learn the full feature and pricing of this digital marketing suite, just browse the website.

ebook: The Ultimate Guide for Social Media Professionals
by SEMrush


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