I've collected digital marketing glossary that is taken from pdf file at https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/digitalskills/assets/media/pdf/2-digital-marketing-glossary.pdf

digital marketing glossary for beginners

For you who is digital marketing beginners, I rewrite this digital marketing jargon in this blog, and have a read.

Digital Marketing Glossary

1. Analytics: The analysis of data generated by people's activity on apps/website, for discovering ways to improve websites and marketing campaigns.

2. Ad Network: A platform connecting advertisers with publishers who want to host their ads.

The advertiser pays the network every time an agreed event takes place, like ad impression, click, action (subscribe, buy, download, etc.)

Then the network shares the revenue generated form advertiser with the publisher.

digital marketing jargon

3. App: A program designed to run on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices.

4. Blog: A regularly updated website written by an individual or a business.

5. Vlog: The video version of a blog.

6. URL: The unique address of a page or piece of digital content on the internet.

7. Browser: A computer program used to navigate the internet on computers, tablets and smartphones. For examples: Chrome, IE, Firefox, etc.

8. Banner Ad: A form of advertisement found on web pages or mobile apps in a variety of formats, such as images, animated GIF, rich media)

9. Chatbot: A computer program that simulates human conversation often over the internet.

10. Content: The digital material available to users, via text, video, audio, images, eBook, etc.

11. Content Marketing: Creating online content to attract and engage a defined audiences.

12. CTR (Click-through Rate): The number of times people click on an item of interest, like an advert, in comparison to the number of times users are exposed to that item.

13. CPC (Cost per Click): The amount of money required to produce a single click on a digital advertisement.

14. Conversion: The action you want visitors to perform.

15. Conversion Optimization: The process of improving your digital strategy in order to increase the percentage of visitors who complete your goals.

16. Conversion Rate: The ratio of conversions to visits, often used to measure digital performance.

17. Email Marketing: The process of using email messages to share information and promote products and services.

18. Impressions: The number of times an advert is displayed.

19. Index: A searchable catalogue of web pages and digital content used by a search engine to provide relevant results.

20. Keyword: A word or a phrase typed into a search engine, which business can target as part of their advertising campaigns.

21. Query/search term: The keyword or phrase a user types into a search engine in order to find what they are looking for.

22. Landing page: The first page on a website that a person usually sees (it can be a home page or a particular page).

23. Link: A text or image that provides a link from one web page or website to another.

24. Organic listing: Result from a search engine that are not paid adverts.

25. Paid listing: Advertisement that appear on search engine results pages.

26. Ranking: A listing's position on a search engine results page.

27. Search Engine: A tool that indexes and returns relevant digital content in response to users' keyword. For Examples: Google, Bing, Baidu, etc.

28. Search Engine Marketing: A form of advertising that allows you to bid for your advertisement to show along with search results for keywords that people are typing in.

29. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The practice of making changes to web pages, content, and the promotion of that content to improve visibility in the organic (unpaid) search engine results.

30. Search Engine Result Page (SERP): A list of results appearing in a search engine in response to a user's search query.

31. Session: A group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. For example: a session can contain multiple page views, etc.

32. Traffic Acquisition: The process of attracting visitors (traffic to digital assets such as website, apps, etc.)

33. Unique visitor: A single visitor to a website during a specific period of time.

34. URL (Uniform Resource Locator): The unique address of a page or a particular digital content on the internet.

35. User-Generated Content: Content created by users of an online platform such as videos, comments, or posts.

36. Social Media: Content such as text, images, or videos, created by individuals and shared across the internet.

37. Social Network: A community of individuals creating and sharing content.

38. Return on Investment (ROI): A calculation an advertiser uses to try to identify if their online marketing campaign are profitable. 

Common formula for calculating ROI = (gain from investment-cost of investment)/cost of investment

online marketing glossary for beginners

39. Niche market: Channeling all marketing efforts towards a particular segment of the population.

40. Leads: People who can have an interest in what you are selling.

41. Lead Generation: The initiation of consumer interest into product or service.

42. Keyword research: a task to identify popular words/phrases that people enter into search engine.
Email marketing: the promotion of a particular product/service via email.

43. Linkbait: a special content with the ultimate purpose of attracting inbound links.

44. Email list: People who have subscribe to your email list as a result of your email marketing campaign.

45. Lead magnet: a particular offer to prospects in return for contact information (commonly email of prospects).

46. A/B Testing: a method in online marketing research to improve the effectiveness of current strategy.

47. Above the fold: The web page section that is visible without scrolling.

48. Ad space: the space on a web page available for advertisement.

49. Affiliate marketing: revenue sharing between merchants and online salespeople, whereby compensation is based on performance measures.

50. Bounce rate:
a. Web: the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing a single page.
b. Email: the percentage of emails in a particular campaign that are undeliverable.

51. Customer acquisition cost: the cost that is related to acquiring a new customer.


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